Dave Loder

Dave Loder is a spatial practitioner working fluidly across installation, interiors, architecture, landscape and sound. His practice, research and teaching concerns ‘worlding’, with a focus on the overlapping technological and infrastructural conditions through which we spatially engage with and are structured by the world. Current practice-based research investigates the contemporary domestic condition and speculates on the experience of the home as (re)distributed and (re)mediated via digital technologies. For the DAS Residency, Dave will develop a project to produce a counter-cartography of the ‘platformed’ interior, an infrastructural circumstance for the contemporary home, mapped via a constellation of speculative post/digital artefacts and experiences. Dave is currently Lecturer in Interior, Architectural and Spatial Design at the Edinburgh College of Art.

Residency period: April - July ‘24


Thomas McConville


Sally O’Dowd